01 March, 2009

Bobblehead Jindal

After President Obama delivered his speech to the joint session of Congress last Tuesday (known for the next 3-7 years as his State of the Union address), I noticed what looked like a young high school debater on the television, engaging in a well honed sales pitch infomercial.

Upon closer review, it was actually Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, the man given the honor of providing the Republican rebuttal to President Obama's speech.

Just when we thought the Republican brand couldn't possibly take a more severe self-inflicted drubbing, Governor Jindal showed up to barf a tightly packaged review of conservative talking points from the past thirty years.

Not one fresh idea. Nary an original solution. All delivered like a third grader reading a teleprompter for the first time.

It all made me nostalgic for the eloquence of President George W. Bush.

The electorate is worried about the stimulus and its pending outcome. Bobby Jindal had a captive audience that was open to ideas. Any ideas, really.

Instead we got a punch line. It only took fifteen minutes and the damage was done.

That's how long it took for Bobby Jindal to go from Republican rising star to a sad metaphor.

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