18 June, 2008

California Is So Gay!

Left Coast Weddings are about to get Divalicious. The State Supreme Court of California has rendered judgement on same-sex unions and it appears that individual liberty is alive and well in California. I imagine that Raymond Burr, Rock Hudson, Merv Griffin and Liberace are all smiling in that great bath house in the sky.

My Catholic upbringing has faithfully and repetitively taught me to believe that the institution of marriage is a sacred religious sacrament that can only be entered into by a man and woman, for the sole purpose of procreation. Hey, that's cool with me. After all, it takes a pen dipped in ink to write the word baby. The last thing I'm going to do is question Father McGillicutty and end up rotting in hell for eternity. Lord knows there are a few other reasons why I'll end up there anyway. However, as an American that has at least two USA flag lapel pins (both made in China), the larger question is why our secular constitution has even allowed "marriage" for so long. I wonder if I'm the only person that finds this curiously hypocritical. How about states simply issuing Civil Union Certificates and have each Civil Union voluntarily petition their (if any) faith of worship for marriage approval. Sans those progressively pesky Episcopalians, they will likely be denied. Then, perhaps we can finally settle on the notion that "values" is a subjective term, conveniently bandied about from all sides of the political spectrum in a manner that only divides.

Could Civil Unions bring defacto unity?

A couple of years ago I was out one night with some friends at a club and witnessed two young hotties tongue wrestling each other while standing near the bar. Nice. Now if those two young ladies want to get married and be my next door neighbor, then cue up Elton John and let the wedding bells chime. Maybe we could get the Bravo Channel to sponsor it.


JAD said...

Nicely done Mr. Fischer...I just picked up your RSS feed. Keep them coming!

"I saved Latin. What did you ever do?"

in8spine said...

I think I saw those same chicks at Jackrabbit Slims. Did one have a mohawk? I find it ironic that a group that claims to hold marriage to be so sacred have a divorce rate equal to, if not higher, than their heathen brethren. Catholics are less likely to divorce than both Pentecostals and Presbyterian. (See Barna Study). Anywho, marriage, as it pertains to the constitution is a legal issue, not a moral one. Personally, I wish the law had nothing to do with marriage. The current divorce law is written as though from the 50's, attempting to protect the housewife who gave up her ambitions of being a high payed CEO, to raise a family. The reality now is that people get married much later in life, after both parties have closed in on their professional peak. Our current divorce laws punish the more successful of the two and rewards those who did nothing to deserve the alimonial jackpot they get simply for giving up on the relationship. You got a 50% chance of losing half of what you worked for. No one in their right mind would put half on black in Vegas, would they? If I had a wife that made $100,000 more than me, and all I had to do was leave to get half and never have to see those stretch marks again, it'd almost be a hard sell to get me to stay. It begs the question, "why do gays want to get married after the demonstration by their straight counterparts?"

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear what you have to say about drilling in ANWR.