25 June, 2008

A Parody Of A Caricature Of A Once Noble Man

What appears to be our nations every fourth year right of political passage has emerged once again. Ralph Nader, that crazy, muttering at the breeze sack of dry saliva stuck on the corner of his mouth when he speaks, is back on the campaign trail to run for President.

Insert yawn here.

You may recall that Nader was the guy that single handily, through his spokesman, Egor Runamok, elected George W. Bush as the 43rd President of the United States in 2000, beating the U.S. Supreme Court to the punch by about seven weeks.

Nader is taking Barack Obama to task on his message to voters, suggesting that Obama's rhetoric is nothing more than an appeal to "white guilt".

Irony alert; I wonder if Ralph Nader feels any cause and effect guilt for the past 8 years.

There was a time when Nader was actually a likable soul, arriving on the scene as an advocate for consumer safety in the products that are marketed and sold in our country. His 1965 book, Unsafe At Any Speed, chronicled the American Auto makers resistance to implement basic safety features and their reluctance to invest research and development budgets to improve safety.

To his credit, Nader screamed loud enough to spawn safety improvements that are now standard features on every car sold, like seat belts. Looking back though, his work as a sapper of fun was evident by Nader exposing the dangers of the Corvair coupe. So what if a ten mile per hour rear end impact would make the Corvair become engulfed in flames? It was a sweet lookin' ride.

Back to Ralph Nader the candidate. History, hell bent on repeating itself, is licking its chops over the prospect that this spoiler will wage enough momentum to make himself relevant once again. And as long as Larry King is alive, we can rest assure that the media will insist that relevance prevails.

It's up to the voters to make sure it doesn't.


in8spine said...

As the shot of Patron I just took goes slowly sliding down my gullet, I'm reading of poor Ralph. What a tragedy. Not the man himself, just his surrounding circumstances. By complaining about his syphoning of leftist votes, we subscribe to line of logic that only accepts two extremist representations of the American psyche. Unfortunately, his involvement does lead to elections of presidents that drool when they speak. However, when we argue that the leadership of the Republicans over the last 8 years has lead to our current state, an equally astute observation is that trade off of power from Republican to Democrat has also lead to our current state. If only our candidates had the consumers of American policy at their center. Does a certain aspect of America root for Obama in part out of "white guilt"? Sure. Is that all there is to his candidacy? No. I applaud Nader for his saying of that which others would rather not, but know to be true. However, his side effect may have proven to be more trouble than he's worth.

JAD said...

My Evangelical sources confirm that the Lebanese American Ralph Nadér is indeed a muslim. This is evident by his desire to impeach GW.