23 August, 2008

Joe Biden

Well, so much for change.

Say hello to Joe Biden.

And when you do, be prepared to settle in for a long dissertation from the verbose senior Senator from Delaware.

Senator Barack Obama's selection of the grizzled Washington insider and old white guy has left many party loyalists scratching their heads.

In the near term Biden will be a tough political strategy sell. However, if Obama is elected I can't think of anybody else more qualified for the job that Obama could have selected.

Except for, according to nearly a third of Democrats, Senator Hillary Clinton.

Obama needs to quickly make amends with Clinton supporters if he has any chance of winning in November.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am one of them. Although I think that the Senator and the former President did an admirable job bringing the party together--with NO help from OBAMA and his supportors. Hope and CHANGE is still not enough for me I need some some substance from this junior senator before he has my vote. MTS