09 August, 2008

Edwards Saga; Insert Predictable Outcome Here

No shocker that we'll likely not soon know whether former South Carolina Senator John Edwards is a "Two America's" Baby Daddy.

Edwards mistress since 2006, Rielle Hunter, said that she will not comply with any requests that her baby daughter submit DNA samples to determine if Edwards is the pappy.

Anybody with common sense higher than a desert cactus should have predicted this choreographed chain of events after Edwards told ABC News that we welcomed the prospect of a paternity test.

Of course he did. Because all along he knew that Hunter would not participate.

One more thing.

Can we please stop referring to Hunter as Edwards' mistress from 2006?

Based on the fact that Edwards was in Hunter's Beverly Hills hotel from 10:00PM until 2:00AM one night last month, it's clear that the discretion continued well beyond 2006.

Edwards, with a full self-assured and disgustingly amazing confidence of a trial lawyer, dismissed Hunter as simply a "liaison".

A liaison is a one night stand.

Edwards also attempts to minimize this entire unsavory odyssey by reminding the public that his affair with Hunter began while his wife, Elizabeth, was in remission of her terminal cancer.

I guess it takes a magnanimous man to postone infedelity until his wifes cancer prognosis improves?

Insert chunky vomit here.

In a political universe that tramples on personal integrity in more dramatic measure at every new calendar turn, John Edwards is - to me at least - the most egregious example of bottom-of-the-barrel political scum.

I imagine that Edwards supporters, both present and past, had to take an extra long shower after hearing his confession.

I took two.

And I still feel dirty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish Edwards would call a spade a spade. He had an affair, not a liason.