17 September, 2008

Florida Judge Keepin' It Real Up In The Feel

It's now a constitutionally protected right in Florida. Ass cracks aren't just for plumbers anymore.

A Florida judge ruled yesterday that a law banning baggy pants revealing underwear is unconstitutional.

Which begs the question; when can we expect a ruling from the courts on wearing baggy pants without underwear?

There are currently over 500 municipalities in the United States that have similar laws banning the low slung look. Too bad more parents don't have similar laws in their own homes that instill even a remedial measure of social respect. Believe me, I'm well into personal creativity and expression, however there are clearly common sense parenting responsibilities required to look at your kid and tell them to scamper back to their room, grab a belt and cinch up the bed sheet that the kid calls pants.

This has nothing to do with class or race, as we witness this egregious display of butt cheeks coast-to-coast on a daily basis, from the 'hood of East Compton to the Hampton's of Long Island.

Here in my little geographic nook of Scottsdale, I'd like to see a ban on the steady horrors of bad boob jobs and Botox injections. Maybe the kids with the saggy drawers can mentor their parents in this regard.
Now that's irony.

1 comment:

in8spine said...

Things that make you go "F". In the words of Jack White, "Blame me for robbin' Peter but don't you blame Paul. You can't take the effect and make it the cause." If our system concerned itself with the aspect of society that creates a mentality of saggy jeans, teen pregnancy and drop outs, rather than attempting to deal with these effects separately, our system would be far more ergonomic. Baggy pants aren't the problem; myopia is.