25 September, 2008

The Lowered Standards Of Our President

President Bush interrupted my channel surfing last night to dizzy the shizzy on the get down low down 'bout the 911 of the American paper (USD and economy).

My out of character vernacular can only be attributed to my curious stop at MTV during said channel surfing. Hey home, I can dig it. You know he ain't gonna lay no mo' big rap up on us man. Huh? Dang diggity dang, jive turkey.

I wonder if I'm the only American that felt a queasy and unsettling feeling when the President spoke, due not to the urgency of his message, but rather because of the complete lack of credibility that he has rendered himself to.

The latest economic news released today proves that we've only begun to witness the carnage.

Unemployment is now the highest in seven years. You know, since President Bush inherited a recession in the making from President Clinton.

Don't worry. Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity(!) will still find a way to blame this all on Clinton.

Housing starts are the lowest in seventeen years, swiftly going from downshift to stop and go to pull over to the side of the road because the master cylinder has blown.

Yesterday I had a text messaging debate with my best friend since sixth grade, Larimar Beckerman. He was emphatic in his assessment that history will ultimately render our President as one of the best.

Only one thing missing from his statement though. Punctuation.

It should have ended with three Cavuto-marks (???).

As in, history will show Bush was one of the best Presidents ever???

1 comment:

David said...

I was thinking about something as it relates to this mess that we are in... First, off this is a cluster with blame to go around to everyone involved. Dems / Republicans, Mortgage brokers / consumer who took out loans they never should have, Investment banks who bought these risky loans / brokerages that packaged them... In the bailout, I think the Republicans have been catching the flack (probably deserved), the dems are piling on and yet everyone is silence on the lack of accountability of the idiots who took out the stupid mortgages in trying to chase the "american dream" of living beyond our means... The consumer wants bailed out, now, too/??? Really??? Geez, can I go buy a house that I never could afford by stating income that I do not have and then get bailed our by my Uncle "Sam" when it comes time to pay the actual terms of the agreement??? Come on now!!! These millions of bad loans cannot be simply accounted for by the big bad "predatory" lender... R-I-G-H-T... I think some credit card company gave me some predatory lending too... Can I get out of paying that?? Please, ALL involved with this mess are blame.. Just think, IF people would actually pay their bills there would not be any crisis...
Whew, now I feel better...