18 November, 2008

Lieberman Should Be A Happy Hound

Barack Obama appears to be forging ahead with sounds of a changed Capital Hill tenor that has spilled over from his campaign. He issued his first let the word go forth that the torch has been passed moment, by keeping the mighty Beltway negative political axe buried to save Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman's Democratic soul.

It was widely anticipated that the Democratic leadership would strip Lieberman of his position as head of the Homeland Security Committee, as punishment for say-it-ain't-so-Joe's enthusiastic and very public endorsement of John McCain for President.

Mumblings from the hill were that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were ready to bend Joe over and spank the independence out of him.

The consequence for Lieberman, however, was a quiet no-harm-no-foul dismissal. This direction was ordered by the President-Elect.

Who knew there was a high road in D.C.?

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