05 November, 2008

Yes, We Can?

It's all over but the mopping of sorrowful tears in Phoenix and joyful weepings in Chicago. As I type, John McCain is driving to Nebraska to abandon Sarah Fargo at an Omaha hospital, in accordance with the cornhusker states' safe-haven law.

What lies ahead is a heady agenda for Barack Obama.

President-Elect Barack Obama. A little kinder and more accurate title for a man that has been called many things during the past year.

First, he was naive and too inexperienced. When that bumper sticker failed to adhere, things took a decided turn towards the nasty.

He was called a radical Muslim.

He was dismissed as a celebrity.

He was called a terrorist.

He was called a Communist with Marxist leanings.

He was called a Socialist.

None of these monikers stuck, and along the way his campaign message was succinct, consistent and delivered in an assertive, smooth and confident fashion.

Barack Obama was called lots of things. In a few short months though, we can all agree on one thing to call him.

Mr. President.


Anonymous said...

good luck to the black guy having to fix a racist nation's mess.

David said...

Mr. President will be a nice title for him. Even though I did not vote for him, I support him and I want to see him succeed. He has earned the right to lead, and we (the conservatives) need to work with him to end the partisanship of the last 16 years...

Anonymous said...

nice to hear that sentiment david. i hope all americans feel the same way.