19 October, 2008

Colin Powell Joins The Republicobamacan Ranks

Prominent Republicans are coming out in droves to publicly endorse Barack Obama for President.

Last week conservative commentators David Brooks, George Will and Christopher Buckley all went public with their support of Obama.

For Buckley, son of the late conservative icon William Buckley, his bittersweet nod to Obama came with an asterisk of apology to his deceased father.

Earlier today Colin Powell announced his endorsement of Obama.

This conservative bandwagon with the Obama sign painted on the side is getting pretty crowded.

It appears that the Obama Republicans will be a factor in this election, as the Reagan Democrats were in 1980.


Anonymous said...

George Will has not endorsed Obama... Why would the son on Buckley matter?? AND Powell has the right to endorse whoever he wants... It will not sway many opinions...

Anonymous said...

Colin Powell's endorsement isn't worth a squirt a piss. That tool lost all credibility when he snowballed the UN an world with his WMD case against Iraq.

Max Fischer said...

"...It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected, although perhaps at great cost, by experience. Can a dismaying temperament be fixed?"

-George Will

David said...

Is this the risk we want to take?? Biden is even questioning if Obama is ready..

From Joe Biden

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking," Biden said.

"Remember I said it standing here. if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's gonna have to make some really tough -- I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's gonna happen," Biden continued.

Democratic strategist and pollster Doug Schoen said Biden's comments are "probably an uncomfortable truth, certainly not what you want as a Democratic strategist for your vice presidential candidate to say....

"But he probably is going to be tested and he hasn't had experience and I'd like to think he'll be up to the task with whatever we face, but politics is about making choices.

Max Fischer said...

Good thing Obama will have the likes of Biden and Colin Powell to consult with when his mettle is tested.