12 October, 2008

McCain's Vote To Support Terrorism

The word terrorist has been screamed in a near Tourette like frenzy at recent John McCain rallies, usually following the candidates mentioning of Barack Obama.

Ironically though, John McCain has a voting record that equates to being a terrorist sympathizer.

I'll explain in a moment, however let's first look at the literal definition of the word terrorist, courtesy of dictionary.com.

terrorist: noun - a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities


In 1994 the Senate introduced a bill called the Freedom Of Access To Clinic Entrances Act. Put simply, the bill would make it a Federal crime to commit the terrorist act of murder at a medical clinic that performs legal abortions.

The Senate passed the measure 69-30 (Alabama Senator Richard Shelby did not cast a vote) in a unanimous roll call vote and was eventually signed into law by President Clinton.

Arizona Senator John McCain voted nay.

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