28 October, 2008

McCain Replaced By McCain Talking Bobblehead

My friends, I have reason to believe that John McCain has been replaced on the campaign trail by a John McCain talking bobblehead doll.

There is a button at the base of the doll that is conspicuously hidden behind the podium. There, a McCain campaign volunteer diligently presses a button in repetitive sequence to play pre-recorded stump spin from Senator McCain.

1st press: My friends, I'm a maverick.

2nd press: My friends, we don't need a redistributor of your money.

3rd press: My friends, I will change Warshington.

4th press: My friends, I'm a maverick.

I miss John McCain.

I miss the McCain that was an honest maverick before he felt compelled to keep telling us all over and over (and over) that he is a maverick.

That's the John McCain that I voted for as my Senator in 2004.

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