28 July, 2008

Dishonorable Hack Ad From An Honorable Man

The gloves are off and now it's officially time for the electorate to guzzle some collective Pepto Bismol, in order for us to stomach the home stretch of this seemingly endless Presidential Campaign.

<------- McCain Hugs His BFF

Senator John McCain unleashed a blatantly distorted attack ad against his rival yesterday, which appears to be an early grasp at desperation.


The McCain ad didn't let facts impede on truthiness; the 30-second spot claims that Senator Obama failed to visit wounded troops in Germany - as previously scheduled - because the hospital there wouldn't allow his cameras inside the building.

Then the Obama campaign delivered the only realy gaffe I can determine. Obama used the time in the agenda change to workout at the gym and play basketball.

The commercials voice-over narrates footage of Obama playing basketball in a gymnasium packed with US soldiers.

The film was shot by Armed Forces Television during an official State Department Congressional Delegation visit in Kuwait.

The simple fact is that Obama didn't visit the troops in the German hospital because the delegation had ended, and consequently that portion of his trip was funded by his campaign.

My gut tells me that Obama would have been equally ridiculed had he gone to the German hospital, with charges that he was exploiting our soldiers for campaign gain.


I'm Max Fischer and I approve this message.

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