16 July, 2008

Optimistic Denial

According to nearly two thirds of economists surveyed in a recent USA Today poll, the United States economy is currently in recession.

President Bush, Optimist In Chief, disagrees.

By his own admission, the President is not an economist. However, he gave a speech yesterday about the economy and insisted that we are not in a recession. How does he know?

He's an optimist.

During the course of the past year, blue chip stocks are down 22%, wholesale prices have increased 10% (inflation), the USD is down 14% and home foreclosures are up 54%.

I'm pretty optimistic that I believe what economists are talking about.

I'm even more optimistic that once the supply-side, deficit spending, foreign nation currency borrowing President Bush leaves office, we'll begin to claw our way out of this hole.

Without all the delusions.


JAD said...

Optimistic denial is a great coping mechanism when it looks like your legacy just may be one of the most disappointing in Presidential history. Then again, this wouldn't be the first time that Mr. Bush looked the camera in the eye and proclaimed that all is well. Americans love to be spoon fed good news. (...even if it as a blatant lie)

in8spine said...

What are you talking about?! You big whiner. Don't you know we are only in a "mental recession"? Vote McCain!