02 July, 2008

Hall Of Fame Legacy Sealed For Barry Bonds*

The baseball that Barry Bonds hit career home run number 756 has arrived in Cooperstown, and Bonds' steroid fueled skid mark on the game is now secured with an asterisk.


Clothing Designer, Mark Ecko, paid $752,467 as high bidder for the infamous ball at an auction last August. Ecko then allowed baseball fans the opportunity to choose the fate as to where the ball would ultimately end up.

As expected, the fans called it right.


Ecko had the ball branded with an asterisk and it was delivered to the Hall of Fame earlier this week. It will be included in a yet to be determined display.


Bonds has said in the past that he would boycott the Hall of Fame if they accepted the record breaking baseball with an asterisk on it.


We're approaching the all-star break in baseball and not one team has shown the slightest bit of interest in signing Bonds.


Looks like baseball is finally boycotting Bonds.


Now let's hope that Hall of Fame voting sportswriters boycott Bonds as well, keeping Bonds the cheating, grand jury perjurer man out of Cooperstown.

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