08 July, 2008

Senator McTruant

Arizona Senator and presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, John McCain, has been skipping school during the 110th Congress at a rate that would get him expelled from most public schools in the United States.

Even with our woefully watered down school standards, that's tough to do.

McCain has missed 61% of Senate votes, dating back to January 2007. Illinois Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee, doesn't fare much better, missing 42% of Senate votes.

Rule number one when you're networking for a new job is that you don't skirt the responsibilities of your current gig.

McCain and Obama didn't even show up for work at, or better, than half the time.


The irony is that we hear so much noise from hate radio about Obama missing votes, while McCain appears to be getting a free pass.

In McCain's defense though, at his age he's probably in the buffet line for dinner at 3:45, just before his afternoon shuffleboard game. Bingo night is each Wednesday, so his schedule is even tighter on that day.

If the media is going to call out Obama for missing votes, than we have a reasonable expectation to expect the same treatment for John McCain.

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