20 July, 2008

Whoopi (Cushion) Farts The N-Word

Such a sight to see Whoopi Goldberg and Elizabeth Hasselback duke it out on The View the other day, over what Whoopi suggested is the African American rhetorical trademark of the N-word.

During the exchange, Hasselback, ever the precious, was reduced to tears while Goldberg barfed her examples of accepted N-word usage and context, complete with a healthy dose of predictable Whoopi condescension.

Whoopi is the absolute queen of prefacing comments with a patronizing, "well you don't understand".

None of us get it. Only Whoopi knows.

Well, ironically, I really don't understand.

I don't understand because the context for which this debate began was a discussion over Jesse Jackson getting popped for referring to Senator Obama with the derogatory N-word term before an interview with Fox News.

Not to worry, Senator Obama, according to some on The View panel, that word is considered a term of "endearment" in the black community. No harm, no foul.

Or, it's all good from hypocrisy to the 'hood.

A few years ago I recall Jesse Jackson being a catalyst in a growing movement to eliminate the use of the N-word. In fact, there was an actual funeral procession in which the word was "buried".

According to Whoopi, the word is alive and well after being "taken" from the perpetrators using it against African Americans for so many years.

Yipee. Whoopified poetic justice.

Look, I understand Whoopi's point. She only thinks we don't understand. I studied American History in high school and am fully aware of our nations shame stained record with African Americans. It's inexcusable that basic, equal rights didn't exist until monumental civil rights legislation passed and became law in 1964.

With this in mind, the time has come to stop making excuses and spewing lame rational over who's allowed to use the word.

Let's make the N-word the End-Word.

For one and for all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Can't we call just get along" R. King (or better yet Can they ever get over it)! The N word is no term of endearment-in any community.mts