22 July, 2008

Golden Kiwi; Best Fruit You've Never Heard Of

I recently endured the indignity of a colonoscopy - fancy word for being date raped by a Gastroenterologist - and was advised to increase my daily dietetic fiber intake by eating more grains, vegetables and fruits.

Easier said than done for me, being the medium rare, bone-in-ribeye guy during the past several years.

Ever the diligent patient, I hit the grocery store produce section to have a look see. What I found, amidst the usual array of apples and berries, was a scrumptious little lump of tastiness called the Golden Kiwi.

And they are luscious.

The Golden Kiwi is a sweet and juicy kiwi that entered the U.S. produce market in 1999 from New Zealand. Created through natural plant breeding, it has a smooth skin that is void of the brown, fuzzy hair of the traditional kiwi.

The only downfall of the Golden Kiwi is its fleeting season, which runs just shy of our three summer months of June through August.

As a suggestion for eating - or in my case, murdering - a Golden Kiwi, rinse with cold water, trim the top and bottom stem portions and consume it whole, skin and all.


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